Tuesday, July 13, 2010

South Africa to bid for 2020 Olympics But what about Vuvuzelas?

South Africa to bid for 2020 Olympics But what about Vuvuzelas?

South Africa to bid for 2020 Olympics But what about Vuvuzelas?

After successfully hosting Africa’s first World Cup, South Africa will attempt to land the continent’s first Olympics, too.
However, the Vuvuzela may not be welcomed at the games.

While visiting South Africa during the 2010 World Cup, London Mayor Boris Johnson made it clear that he doesn’t want the horns to catch on back home.

“I’m not convinced that we are going to need an Olympic vuvuzela," Johnson said  “It’s a wonderful thing. It’s a beautiful instrument. It’s very easy to master, but I don’t think we’ll necessarily be issuing them to the crowds."

“I’m very impressed with the vuvuzelas and," but he added, “we’re thinking of not having them.

Vuvuzelas were not allowed at the 2010 Wimbledon Tennis Championships

“Out of courtesy to the players and their fellow spectators, we make a point of asking spectators not to bring items which could either cause a distraction or interfere with the enjoyment of the occasion,” All England Club chief executive Ian Ritchie said in a statement Thursday.
“Rattles, klaxons and vuvuzelas all fall into that category and they will not be allowed into the grounds. Our message is do not bring them in the first place.”

England still upset over World Cup Performance, or lack of...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hiroshima Back In!

Japan Today reports the Hiroshima City Assembly at a special assembly session convened by Hiroshima Mayor Tadatoshi Akiba Wednesday approved a motion to reinstate most of the funding the city government requested for its bid to host the 2010 Summer Olympic Games, after voting down the request last week.
The city office originally wanted 25.69 million yen including one million yen to formulate the basic bid plan as part of its budget bill for the year starting Thursday, but the budget endorsed by a narrow majority Wednesday excluded the one million yen.

Akiba, who reportedly invoked his right under the Local Autonomy Act to ask for the assembly to reconsider its decision after its regular session ended last Friday, said after the session that despite the reduced budget, he will not seek another revote.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Where is Busan?

Busan Launches Bid for 2020 Summer Olympics

"Busan 2020, Again '88." That is the slogan and desire of the citizens of Busan celebrating the launch of their bid to become host city for the 32nd Summer Olympic Games.
With Seoul's successful attempt for the 1988 games in mind over 4-thousand Busan citizens and dignitaries gathered here at the Busan Exhibition and Convention Center to celebrate this event.

Potential Host Cities for 2020 Summer Olympics

1) Rome -- the Games haven't been in the city since 1960

2) Minneapolis --
(Little-known fact: Minneapolis finished second in the voting for the 1952 Olympics behind Helsinki.)

3) Madrid --

4) Dubai/Doha --
The IOC has never gone to the Middle East.

5) Toronto

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


The 2020 Summer Olympics (officially known as the Games of the XXXII Olympiad) are expected to be a major international sports and cultural festival to be celebrated in the tradition of the Olympic Games. The International Olympic Committee has yet to begin the selection process; a host city is expected to be announced at Buenos Aires in mid-2013.